Under the Theme “We Collaborate for Tomorrow”“IACAD” Celebrates Emirati Women’s Day

In line with the State’s celebrations of the Emirati Women’s Day to honoring the women and highlighting her achievements and active role in society, the Islamic Affairs & Charitable Activities Department “IACAD” in Dubai celebrated the Emirati Women’s Day scheduled on August 28th of each year, under the theme “We Collaborate for Tomorrow”.

The ceremony was attended by Ahmed Darwish Al Muhairi, the Acting General Manager and Executive Director of the Charitable Work Sector, and Yousif Al-Busmait, the Acting Executive Director of the Institutional Support Sector, Director of the Human Resources Department, in addition to a group of female employees of the department.

After a fragrant recitation of the Holy Qur’an, a special video on the Women’s Day was showcased, where the female employees of the department expressed their love for working at the Islamic Affairs & Charitable Activities Department, talking about the nature of their work, the experiences they gained, their sense of pride and belonging to the homeland, and envision of the future under the theme “We Collaborate Together”.

Accomplishments and Gains:

Ahmed Darwish Al Muhairi, the Acting Director General and Executive Director of the Charitable Work Sector, extended the sincere greetings and appreciation of the Department of Islamic Affairs & Charitable Activities to the pioneer of humanitarian work and great supporter in the United Arab Emirates, Her Highness Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak, Chairwoman of the General Women’s Union (GWU), President of the Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood, and Supreme Chairwoman of the Family Development Foundation (FDF), may Allah protect her, for being a role model for Emirati women in all fields and levels. He also congratulated all female employees working at the department on this occasion.

Al-Muhairi pointed out that the UAE sagacious leadership believed in empowering women in all fields, since the early establishment of the State, and this was embodied in the era of the Late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan and Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum, may their souls rest in peace, as they asserted the women’s right to education. Thus, the Emirati women held the highest positions in the State, occupying the role of a wife, a mother, an employee, a director, an ambassador, a minister, and even a representative the Presidency of the Federal National Council in the State, and reaching many accomplishments and gains, and a stage of maturity that the State taking pride of.

The ceremony involved many activities and showcased rich experiences of the Department’s female employees who established the role of the Department in empowering women, including (You Can Do it, You are the Hope, and many competitions). During the ceremonial activities, many success stories, achievements, and lived experiences were showcased, highlighting the female employee as role models for success inside and outside the workplace.

For his part, Yousif Saad Al-Busmait, the Acting Executive Director of the Institutional Support Sector, the Director of the Human Resources Department, pointed out that the department spares no effort in empowering women, as it embarked on issuing many decisions and programs that enable women to work as an employee, chief of department, director, and even as an executive director. Furthermore, the Department also launched “My Opportunity Program”, a program that attracts the female national competencies in the specialized and administrative fields, giving the fresh graduates the opportunity to be trained and acquire hands-on practical experience.

At the end of the ceremony, Ahmed Darwish Al Muhairi and Yousif Al-Busmait awarded the female national competencies working at the Department. The honoring categories included honoring the efficient director category, the oldest employee category, the beneficial suggestions category, the scientific-qualification holders category, and the category of those beaming with positive energy in each sector.

The ceremony was presented by Noura Abdul Aziz Amiri, a Senior Executive at the “IACAD” Department of Islamic Knowledge Programs.