The official Hajj mission of the government of Dubai 1444h, organized by the Department
of Islamic Affairs and charitable Activities in Dubai, departed today evening from Dubai
International Airport heading to Jeddah airport in the Holy Land .
The pilgrims said goodbye to His Excellency Dr. Hamad Sheikh Ahmed Al Shaibani, Director
General of the Department of Islamic Affairs and charitable work in Dubai, Butti Abdullah
Al jumairi, executive director of the institutional support sector, and a number of leaders
and managers of the Department.
Shaibani stressed that the directives of the wise leadership in the UAE, represented by the
directives of His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown
Prince of Dubai and chairman of the Executive Council, are the focus of our eyes and the
focus of the mission’s officials, by providing all means and facilities and harnessing all
possibilities to care for the pilgrims of the official mission of the government of Dubai,
both inside and outside the country, which helps pilgrims to perform religious rites and
rituals with ease and ease, in order to preserve their safety
For his part, Dr. Mohammed Suhail Al Muhairi, Head of the official Hajj mission of the
government of Dubai, stressed on redoubling efforts, ending all travel, accommodation
and mobility procedures, providing all necessary health and psychological care for pilgrims
and providing the best services.
He pointed out that there is a package of religious and educational programs and lectures
provided by muftis and preachers of the department and will be implemented, God
willing, since they arrived in the Holy Land, to educate pilgrims of the Holy House of God,
answer all questions related to the jurisprudence of Hajj and explain the rituals of Hajj
step by step, wishing all pilgrims of the official mission of the government of Dubai
success and acceptance.