Dubai Sports Council to host the UAE’s first Electric Scooter race and micromobility showcase, theDubai Electric Scooter Cup

The Federa)on for Micromobility and Sport and the Dubai Sports Council announce the crea)on of
the Dubai Electric Scooter Cup, the pre-eminent showcase for e-scooter racing and micromobility
poten)ality. As a culmina)on of the Year of Sustainability in the UAE, the Dubai Electric Scooter Cup
will take place on 9 December 2023 and will unite the world’s best riders to race on the fastest electric
scooter around the streets of Dubai.
Celebra)ng sustainability, new mobility, safety and inclusivity, twelve top male and female riders will
compete togetherin a knockout style race for the )tle of the first Dubai Electric Scooter Cup Champion.
A unique street track will be designed in downtown Dubai so the riders can race around landmarks,
through walkways and across bridges at speeds of well over 100 kph.
Designed specifically for the Dubai Electric Scooter Cup, the RS-Zero scooter is not only the fastest in
the world, with a top speed of 140 kph, it is state-of-the-art in it’s technology and designed to be the
ul)mate in elite performance.
The Federa)on for Micromobility and Sport spearheads the development of micromobility as an
exci)ng new form of racing and as a more sustainable form of urban mobility. This co-opera)on with
the Dubai Sports Council to host the first-ever Dubai Electric Scooter Cup has as its goal to pioneer
development in safety, infrastructure and technology in the fast-growing micromobility sector.
Alex Wurz, President, Federa)on for Micromobility and Sport:
“I’m thrilled to make this important step in a city that is striving for new mobility solu)ons. This unique
event will showcase the poten)al for micromobility – racing in close proximity with uncompromised
safety principles through the ci)es of the future. This is a landmark agreement for the Federa)on with
Dubai Sports Council and points to an exci)ng future.”
Spokesperson, Title, Dubai Sports Council:
“The Dubai Electric Scooter Cup will be a showcase for cuYng edge e-technology and the pinnacle of
e-scooter racing. We are delighted to work with the Federa)on on the safety and integra)on
challenges of the micromobility sector. We welcome interna)onal teams and riders to race on our
downtown streets and shine a spotlight on this evolu)on.”