Dubai Sports Council announces Opening of Registration for the 11 th Sheikha HindWomen’s Sports Tournament

Dubai Sports Council (DSC) has announced the opening of registration door for the
11 th  edition of Sheikha Hind Women’s Sports Tournament, the biggest of its kind, which
is organized by DSC under the generous patronage of H.H. Sheikha Hind Bint Maktoum
Bin Juma Al-Maktoum, the Wife of H.H. Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al-Maktoum,
the Vice President & Prime Minister of UAE and Ruler of Dubai. 
 The 11 th  edition of the Tournament is scheduled from 9 th  to 20 th  Nov. 2023.
Participants in the Tournament will compete in 7 sports competitions; these are:
bowling, running, cycling, padel, badminton, shooting & obstacles challenge.
Sheikha Hind Women’s Sports Tournament attracts women sports talents and
encourages women of various ages & multi-nationalities to exercise sports activities.
The Tournament’s details were declared during the technical workshop, organized by
the DSC’s Woman & Sports Committee at the Council’s premises in the presence of
Ms. Hessa Al-Kous, Head of the Women’s Sports Committee.
The workshop was addressed by Ms. Fawziya Fraidoon, Head of Community Events
Sec. in DSC & Deputy Head of the Organizing Committee / Ms. Alya Al-Safai, the
Women Sports Development Executive in DSC & General Coordinator of the
Tournament / Mr. Adel Al-Bannai, Head of Football Companies Sec. in DSC & Head of
Technical Committee of the Tournament / Mr. Rashid Al-Kilyani, Supervisor & Trainer
of Fazza Shooting Range.
The technical workshop was also attended by female coordinators of sports activities in
governmental, semi-governmental & private entities, besides representatives from the
sports federations of the listed competitions.  
Registration procedures will commence from Wednesday 27 th  Sept. & up to 31 st  Oct.
 2023 via DSC’s official website:, through which female players can
fill the forms & submit all requested documents.   
The workshop explained the technical & organizational regulations of each of the
Tournament’s competitions. Conditions & requirements of registration were presented
in details and answers were provided to all questions & enquiries. Rules & regulations
of each listed sports competition were also explained.

The technical committee stated that rules applicable in local federations will be
implemented, in addition to articles which are newly introduced in the respective
federations. Rules & regulations are stipulated in a way that copes with abilities of
female associates of governmental, semi-governmental & private entities and in such
way that does not contradict the rules applicable in each of the respective federations. 
 The current edition of the Tournament to be kicked off with the bowling competition,
scheduled on 9 th  Nov. 2023 at Dubai International Bowling Center – Al-Mamzar, while
the padel competition will be held at the Just Padel Club from 10 th  to 12 th  Nov.
The badminton competition will take place from 13 th  to 16 th  Nov. at Al-Nasr Sports
Club. The 4.5 km running competition to take place on 17 th  Nov. at Meydan Racetrack.
Racers in this competition are classified into two categories (locals’ category and open
The shooting competition is scheduled on 18 th  Nov. at the Fazza Shooting Range, to be
followed by the obstacles challenge on 19 th  Nov. at Gravity Gym Club.
The 20 km & 30 km cycling competition will be held on 20 th  Nov. at Deira Palm Island.
Winners in all competitions will be honored in the Final Ceremony, scheduled on
22 nd  Nov.
All competitions to be held during evening times in order to enable participants and fans
to carry out their tasks & duties during the official working hours without any need for
absence or early leaving.

Conditions of Registration:
The Organizing Committee has decided the registration conditions as follows: each
female player is allowed to participate in a maximum of various five competitions.
Female employees and daughters of female employees of governmental, semi-
governmental & private entities in the Emirate of Dubai are allowed to participate in the
Tournament. Wives & daughters of employees can also participate in the competitions.