Mosques in the Second Half of 2023
Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department in Dubai,
the Islamic Affairs Sector, Education and Religious Guidance
Department, announced that it will hold a series of lessons,
lectures and courses entitled “Riyad Al Jannah” in various
mosques in Dubai, during the second half of the current year
In this occasion, Mohammed Mehad Al Suwaidi, director of
Education and Religious Guidance Department stated that the
awareness and educational programs organized by the
department are held based on the religious awareness plan
approved by the Department, tackling a variety of religious,
social and cultural issues, aiming at disseminating culture and
religious awareness among the various categories of society, and
implanting moderation values and principles of our Islamic
religion. As the “Riyad Al Jannah” program continues to
provide regular lessons and various scientific courses during the
second half of the year 2023 in various mosques of the emirate.
Furthermore, commenting on the persistence of the department
to benefit from the mosques all over the emirate to be a beacon
of knowledge and platforms of correct scientific rooting of
various religious and jurisprudential issues serving society
members, Al Suwaidi assured that the mosques of the emirate
attract the attention of great number of students and mosque
frequenters to attend the educational lessons and courses
organized by the Department, seeking to educate and enlighten
the worshipers on their religion and life.
On his turn, Ibrahim Jasem Al Mansouri- Head of Religious
Guidance in the Department explained that these lessons
provided by a number of preachers of citizens in the
Department, which are intensive awareness lessons and courses
throughout the week directed to the general public of Muslims,
students of knowledge, and those wishing to go deeply into the
science of jurisprudence and Islamic law, including: Explanation
of a book entitled Bulugh al-Maram, the interpretation of the
Holy Quran, the simplified interpretation of Al-Dhariyat part,
the explanation of the book entitled: Riyad al-Salihin, the
explanation of the book entitled: Manahej Al Salikin, the
explanation of the book entitled: Akhsar Al Mukhtasarat, the
explanation of the book entitled: Umdat Al Salik fi Fiqh Al
Shafi’i, the explanation of Sahih Muslim, the explanation of the
hadiths of the Prophet, peace be upon him, and other books and
religious topics in interpretation, hadith and jurisprudence.